
Osteoarthritis Hands – Symptoms and Treatment Options

Osteoarthritis Hands – Symptoms and Treatment You Should Be Aware of

Osteoarthritis hands is one of the most common types of arthritis, and can limit the person’s ability to perform basic functions due to the severe pain and discomfort associated with this form of arthritis. It is very prevalent due to your hands having many joints and bones. Due to the high number of bones in your hands it increases the probability of a person later on life having to deal with Osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis Hands

Forms of Hand Arthritis

There are two forms of hand arthritis that you need to be aware of. The first is post-traumatic, which usually occurs if you have been involved in some kind of accident. The second is Osteoarthritis. In this particular article we’ll be focusing mainly on Osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis Hands – What Are the Symptoms?

This usually occurs as you grow older. When you reach the age of 40 years old, you can expect the chances of you encountering Osteoarthritis to substantially increase. Studies that were recently conducted suggest that it is due to Vitamin K deficiency, but that’s not fully proven as yet, but in the study conducted that was a common issue noticed among all patients.

As years go by you may notice limited movement in your hand as it is a degenerative condition, and gets worse with age. Simple tasks become more difficult and your movement is definitely restricted and can be painful if you have Osteoarthritis hands.

The fingers are usually the area of most concern as the bones and cartilage between each finger becomes irregular and starts to deform. Carpal-metacarpal is the main joint that causes issues for those suffering with this disease.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Some of the symptoms of this form of Osteoarthritis hands is constant swelling and frequent pain in the hand. You’ll also find movement difficult as well. Attempting to grab or even pinch becomes a difficult task, and you may even notice a slight squeaking noise when you move your fingers.

If such symptoms occur you’ll need to contact your doctor who will conduct an examination to determine the cause of the pain and mobility issues you are experiencing. An x-ray and blood tests are also conducted.

If such symptoms occur you’ll need to contact your doctor who will conduct an examination to determine the cause of the pain and mobility issues you are experiencing. An x-ray and blood tests are also conducted.

osteoarthritis hands xray

Osteoarthritis hands – Treatment Options

With regards to a cure, there currently is not a guaranteed cure for Osteoarthritis hands. It is usually an ailment that you’ll have to live with for the rest of your life. The options that most doctors provide to their patients are anti-inflammatory medication along with pain relievers to help alleviate the discomfort and pain experienced with the disease. Depending on the severity of your case the doctor may also prescribe steroids as well or cortisone injections.

Another way to deal with arthritis is through surgery. This is recommended for those who suffer from advanced stages of arthritis. There are different kinds of surgery for different types of arthritic problems.

Surgery is also an option for some patients depending on the severity of the Osteoarthritis hands. Surgeons would operate to fix issues with the tendons and attempt to repair any damaged areas. If the case of Osteoarthritis hands is severe, removal of bones may be required as well. You won’t know for sure the extent that is needed until the doctor does a thorough examination. Surgery is usually not recommended unless the case is extremely severe and intolerable.

Also you can visit – What is the best home remedies for osteoarthritis ?

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