
What are the signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia

The symptoms of Fibromyalgia are as vast as they are diverse, and can vary widely from mild to severe.

And unlike others diseases or syndromes, there is no set of definitive symptoms that are used to make a Fibromyalgia diagnosis.

That means two people diagnosed with Fibromyalgia may suffer from two entirely different sets of symptoms. Yet the overall ‘theme’, is usually constant and widespread pain.

But what makes this syndrome even more complex is not just the sheer extent of its symptoms, but the number overlapping symptoms it has. These coexisting conditions can make it even more difficult to pinpoint the signs of Fibromyalgia, and really understand what’s going on with you.

Some Common Signs And Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia Can Include:

General Symptoms:

*Generalised Pain All *Over/Hypersensitivity
*Digestive Discomfort
*Fatigue/Fibro Fog
*Sleep Difficulties

Musculoskeletal Symptoms:

*Deep Muscular Pain – including *Trigger & Tender Point Pain
*Cramping, Stiffness and/or Muscle Weakness
*Numbness &/or Tingling
*Muscle Spasms

Sensory & Allergy Symptoms:

*Sensitivity to Odours, Light &/or Noise
*Sensitivity to Heat & Cold, Pressure Changes & Humidity
*Dry Burning Eyes &/or Ears
*Food Allergies &/or Intolerances

Psychological Symptoms:

*Mood Swings/Irritability
*Panic Attacks
*Feelings Of Helplessness


Examples Of Fibromyalgia And Symptoms With Coexisting Conditions:

*MPS (Myofascial Pain Syndrome)
*CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
*Lyme Disease

What Do Most Fibromyalgia Symptoms Have In Common?

Although all symptoms of Fibromyalgia can be diverse, usually one thing that they have in common, is that they all go up and down.

A lot of people may find that their Fibro symptoms are more painful first thing in the morning, and the last thing at night.  Similarly, they can increase in severity throughout the day, which is known as a spike.

If however, they significantly increase in severity, lasting anything from 24 hours to a number of months, it is known as a fibromyalgia flare up.

Aggravating Factors For Fibromyalgia

Some of the aggravating factors that can make the symptoms of Fibromyalgia spike or turn in to a full-blown flare can include:

  • Changes In Weather
  • Overexertion
  • Stress
  • Physical Labor (mild or intense)
  • Other musculoskeletal disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis

Living With Your Symptoms

Even though there is no definitive cure for Fibromyalgia, there are many ways you can manage and even live well this syndrome. There are a number of Fibromyalgia Treatments that can help maintain your symptoms.

Getting to know your symptoms well can also assist you with spotting your individual signs of Fibromyalgia. This can help you to learn what preventative measures to take to ensure they don’t get the better of you.

Another important reason for this is that it will help you to find the best treatments for your condition.

Why It’s Important To Track Your Symptoms

Being a great historian of your condition means you can communicate your history well to any new therapist, or practitioner you decide to see.

Practitioners that rely heavily on ‘hands on’ treatments (Osteopaths, Chiropractors etc) will always be better at deciphering your symptoms than non-hands on practitioners such as traditional doctors, or psychologists.

What is fibromyalgia ?

However, if you give any new practitioner, clear, and a well documented account of your pain, you’re actually giving yourself the best chance for them to give you the best advice and subsequent treatment.

Remember, doctors are not mind readers. If you really want to take control of your symptoms of, then it’s up to you to take charge and responsibility of your condition.

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