
What is the Best Diet For Gout?

In this article, we will examine in detail the question of ‘what is the best diet for gout.’ If you are ready, here we go!

Gout is a common and complex form of arthritis (joint inflammation) that can affect everyone. Inflammation occurs in and around the joint due to an increase in uric acid levels in the blood. It is characterized by severe episodes of pain in the joints, swelling, redness, and tenderness. For most people, it is considered normal for the level of uric acid in the blood to be between 3.5 and 6 milligrams (mg/dl). Gout attacks can occur suddenly. It usually creates a burning sensation in your big toe at night. The affected joint is warm, swollen, and so sensitive that even the weight of the sheet on it can seem unbearable. There is no complete cure for the disease, but you can prevent or effectively manage attacks from medications and dietary changes.

How Should Diet Be For Gout?

  • A healthy weight and proper eating habits should be targeted first. Consumption of purine foods should be limited.
  • It would be best to avoid offal such as liver, kidney and hunting meat such as duck, gazelle.
  • You should consume red meat or chicken in limited quantities and fat-free. Sardines and shellfish contain higher amounts of purines than others. You can opt for it because the purine content of salmon is lower than most other fish. Moderate consumption of fish may be part of the gut diet.
  • Total consumption of red and white meat should be limited to 60 grams per day or 150 grams a few days a week.
  • Some foods cause purine to increase its effectiveness in the body. It is helpful to avoid the consumption of these foods.
  • Beer and whiskey are high in purine and can raise uric acid levels. Alcohol also causes dehydration (excessive fluid loss of the body), which prevents the body from expelling uric acid.
  • Foods and drinks containing high fructose corn syrup can also trigger gout attacks. This artificial fructose is used in many ready-made beverages and foods. You can consume foods that contain natural fructose (fruit sugar). In recent studies, we would like to remind you that drinking fruit juices frequently, even if freshly squeezed, increases the risk of diabetes.

Note: Research and academic information suggested limiting foods such as chickpeas, dried beans, mushrooms, spinach. For example, in diets for gout, meat, and legume consumption were not allowed on the same day. But we can say that this information has been updated with new research. Recent research shows that vegetables such as mushrooms, lentils, beans, such as legumes contain purines but don’t trigger gout attacks. Moderate consumption of all dried vegetables and vegetables is safe for gout patients.

What Foods are Good For Gout?

  • Although the diet of choice for gout excludes many foods from the list, there are plenty of low purine-containing foods that you can enjoy. Foods are considered to have low purine content when they contain less than 100 mg of purine per 100 grams.
  • All fruits are good for gout, usually. Cherries can help lower uric acid levels and reduce inflammation.
  • You can eat all vegetables, potatoes, peas, mushrooms, eggplant, Yesil, artichokes, and dark green leafy vegetables.
  • You can consume all legumes, including lentils and dried beans. You can consume all crusty nuts.
  • All dairy products are safe. Oils such as coconut and olive oils are healthy.
  • You can consume eggs.
  • You can use all the spices.

Should Gout Sufferers Change Their Lifestyle?

You can make some lifestyle changes other than diet that can help reduce your risk of gout. One of them is exercise. Exercise, which will be performed regularly, is an important way to prevent gout attacks largely. A study of 228 men found that those running more than 8 km a day had a lower risk of gout. This also helps to stay at your healthy weight. Research shows that losing weight can help reduce insulin resistance and lower uric acid levels. But attention should be paid. Losing weight quickly can increase the risk of gout attacks.

For this reason, you should adopt a healthy weight loss program. Be careful not to get dehydrated. Adequate water intake helps to expel excess uric acid from the urine.

walking, swimming, bicycling


Gout affects many aspects of everyday life. Fortunately, there are many proven methods that you can easily control. A diet with low purines can reduce uric acid levels. It can also help overweight or obese people lose weight. Thanks to the dietary changes you will make, you can prevent kidney stones and exacerbations of gout. Applying dietary rules during symptom-free periods can also help protect against future gout attacks. A Mediterranean diet, which mainly includes the consumption of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, whole grains, and fish, can reduce your uric acid levels. But we always recommend that you talk to your doctor and dietitian before starting a new diet that addresses a specific health problem.

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