Crohns Disease

11 Recommendations For Crohn’s Disease

One of the systems that control the body is the digestive system. Any disease that occurs in the digestive system affects the entire body. As a result of the communication of the intestines with the brain, the digestive system works. Sometimes diseases occur in the intestines in various ways. One of these diseases is Crohn’s disease.

We have compiled what is curious about Crohn’s disease for you on this page. The most frequently asked questions about the treatment of Crohn’s disease, factors that cause disease are included in these lines. If your doctor has diagnosed this disease, the information here will interest you closely!

What is Crohn’s Disease?

Crohn’s disease is a disease that holds one or more parts of the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, which form the digestive system, thickening in the retained part, causing ulcers. In Crohn’s disease, thickening occurs in the intestines. Thickening intestines, especially the small intestine, are tired. As a result of this disease, cracks called fissures form in the anus area.

Inflammation called fistulas can leak from the cracks. Crohn’s disease is a type of intestinal disorder that tires a person’s body and soul. It reduces the quality of life. Crohn’s, which are usually manifested by diarrhea and abdominal pain, also give constipation and abdominal swelling symptoms in some people.

In people who experience Crohn’s disease, inflammation occurs around the mouth, joints. Symptoms noticed from the outside should be explained to the doctor without neglect. Crohn’s disease, which occurs with minor wounds in the mouth, isn’t an infectious disease. Many factors trigger this disease.

During periods when the effect of Crohn’s disease is most felt, it is recommended that the patient rest at home. Because too often there is a feeling of going to the toilet. Abdominal pain associated with diarrhea is one of the most exhausting effects of this disease. A patient with Crohn’s can relax their body by doing home exercise during the rest process at home. Doctors say home sports are good for Crohn’s.

Treatment Methods of Crohn’s Disease

1.    Yogurt

Crohn’s disease is a disease whose effects are reduced by herbal treatment methods. Yogurt is a natural method that gives the best results. You can alleviate conditions such as diarrhea, heartburn, and vomiting in this disease by consuming yogurt. Your stomach will be more comfortable when yogurt is home yogurt.

2.    Banana

Banana, which is a source of potassium, is a herbal solution to Crohn’s disease. You can consume one medium-sized banana during the day to relieve diarrhea and abdominal pain caused by this disease. Bananas stop diarrhea and help relax the intestines.

3.    Onion

Strengthening the immune system reduces the risk of Crohn’s disease. If you consume onions frequently, you can easily maintain the health of the intestines and stay away from the effects of Crohn’s.

4.    Garlic

Did you know that you can get rid of Crohn’s disease by consuming garlic? Because garlic increases the body’s resistance and prevents the occurrence of internal diseases. If you eat a lot of garlic, you can stay away from intestinal disorders by preventing the formation of parasites in the intestines.

5.    Wholemeal Products

By consuming foods that quickly pass through the intestines, you can overcome this disease. For this, you are recommended wholemeal products. Whole wheat bread and products are digested without harming the intestines without exhausting the stomach. If you are going to add bread to your meals, you can add whole wheat bread.

6.    Chamomile Tea

In the process of Crohn’s disease, it is recommended to consume herbal teas frequently. Chamomile tea, in particular, is a tea that relaxes the intestines, which prevents diarrhea. By drinking chamomile tea regularly, you can alleviate the effects of this disease on your body.

7.    Mint

Mint, which quickly passes even the slightest nausea, will solve the problems experienced by Crohn’s patients. It can be consumed in mint tea and fresh leaves, which improve abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea.

Peppermint essential oil

8.    Aloe Vera

By drinking aloe vera juice, you can quickly get rid of the effects of Crohn’s disease. Drinking aloe vera juice regularly will clear the inflammation that occurs in the intestines. Aloe vera juice, which prevents the thickening of the intestines, also contains pain and vomiting caused by this disease.

9.    Broccoli

It is healthier for Crohn’s patients to consume fibrous nutrients. One of these foods is broccoli. Broccoli doesn’t tire the stomach muscles and quickly passes through the intestines. It doesn’t harm the person during digestion. You can stand upright against this disease by consuming it in moderation during the season.

10. Omega 3

In Crohn’s disease, the value of omega 3 oils is relatively high. To protect the health of the intestines, it is recommended to consume fish oil. Depending on the age and biological characteristics, you can consume fish oil under the supervision of a doctor.

11. Green Tea

Another herbal tea that patients with Crohn’s can drink is green tea. Green tea has antioxidant effects. Patients who drink this tea, which has antioxidant properties, will support the relaxation of their intestines.

List of Crohn’s Disease Banned Foods

The diet of Crohn’s patients should be shaped together with a nutritionist because incorrect food preferences affect the degree of the disease. To avoid possible bowel damage, you can review the list of Crohn’s disease prohibited foods.

  • Sharp spices: Hot pepper, flake pepper, black pepper
  • Hard, fatty, sugary, and fried foods
  • Acid drinks
  • Packaged products
  • Ready-made foods
  • Cream dishes and desserts
  • Cold and hot meals – drinks
  • Coffee

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