
Sciatica Pain Relief

Sciatica pain generally occurs in the region of the gluteal or lower back area. The pain may radiate down the legs and continue all the way to the foot area. This condition occurs when the base of the spine has been injured or compressed in some manner. The resulting pain is usually burning, tingly, sharp, numb, intermittent or continuous. Many times only one side of the body will hurt. Finding sciatica pain relief is a goal for most patients.


There are many treatment options available for people who are seeking sciatica pain relief. Treatments will be based on the root cause of the condition. For example, many times pregnant women will temporarily suffer from this pain towards the end of their pregnancy. If the pain is too severe, a physician may prescribe pain or inflammation medication that will not be harmful to the unborn baby. Once the baby is born, many times this pain goes away since the pressure has now been resolved. One of the most common causes of sciatica pain is a herniated disk. When a disk herniates in the lower sacral or lumbar region it puts pressure on the nerves which results in pain. Treatment usually begins by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. In more severe cases, narcotics or muscle relaxers might be prescribed. A temporary solution is to inject a cortisone type medication in the epidural area that surrounds the spinal column. Many times certain stretching exercises and/or physical therapy will help patients find some degree of relief. If a patient is unable to find relief by using medications and physical therapy, surgery may come into play.

What is Sciatica

The surgical procedure used for sciatica pain relief is the laminectomy. During this procedure some of the posterior arch will be removed to relieve the pressure on the nerve tissues. Surgery is not always a cure and is generally a last resort when all other methods have failed.


Every individual will respond to treatment in a different manner. It may take several different treatment options before a patient finds one that works for their individual needs. Many times several treatment plans such as the use of medications along with physical therapy will provide much needed relief.

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